
Buchloe dactyloides                    

Identifying Characteristics:

Seed:    tan in color; 3 to 5 parts with holes between each part; “buffalo eye”

Seedling:   fine, erect, glabrous stems; narrow, short, curled leaf blades; leaves rolled in whorl; no auricles; short, membranous ligule with fringe of hairs

Mature Plant: sod-forming growth habit; male plant’s panicle has 1 to 4 spikes; 6 to 12 spikelets per spike; burs are located near the base of female plants

Method of Propagation: stolons, seed

Life Cycle: warm-season perennial

References: Abaye, A. Ozzie. "Identification & Adaption: Common Grasses, Legumes & Non-leguminous Forbs of the Eastern United States."
Moore, Kenneth J. “Compendium of Common Forages.” From “Forages: An Introduction to Grassland Agriculture.”

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