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Dr. Misha Manuchehri
371 Agricultural Hall
Oklahoma State University
Stillwater, OK 74078

Phone: (405) 744-9588
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Ipomoea purpurea (tall morningglory)

tall morningglory
Ipomoea purpurea                                        

Identifying Characteristics:

Seed:  orange-slice or wedge shaped; 4 to 5 mm long; dark brown to black in color; smooth surface

Seedling: densely pubescent; alternate, heart-shaped leaves; long petioles; pubescence on leaves lay flat against leaf surface

Mature Plant: climbing or trailing growth habit; purple, blue or white trumpet-shaped flowers; axillary clusters of 3 to 5 flowers; spherical seed pod contains 4 to 6 seeds

Method of Propagation: seed

Life Cycle: warm-season annual

Similar Species: pitted morningglory, ivyleaf morningglory, wild buckwheat, field bindweed - compare leaf shape, pubescence, flower arrangement

References: Abaye, A. Ozzie. "Identification & Adaption: Common Grasses, Legumes & Non-leguminous Forbs of the Eastern United States."
Bryson, Charles T. & Michael S DeFelice. "Weeds of the Midwestern United States & Central Canada."

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