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Dr. Misha Manuchehri
371 Agricultural Hall
Oklahoma State University
Stillwater, OK 74078

Phone: (405) 744-9588
FAX: (405) 744-0354


Gossypium hirsutum Identifying Characteristics: i. Seed: 1. curved, elliptical shape with pointed end 2. dull brown to black seed coat 3. covered with lint ii. Seedling: 1. alternate true leaves with 3 to 5 lobes 2. long petioles 3. black spotted stem iii. Mature Plant: 1. erect, branching growth habit 2. squares or buds form 5 nodes and higher on plants 3. 3 to 4 large, fringed bracts surround the flower 4. flowers are white until fertilized, then a pinkish red 5. circular bolls form below the flowers after fertilization c. Life Cycle: perennial plant in semi-tropics, annual in temperate regions d. Method of Propagation: seed e. References: Ambrose slides, Mizzou

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